On 26 March, our two CanSat teams launched their CanSats for the first time! The launch was a test launch with various other teams from across the country. The teams were testing the design of their build and that their hardware was able to carry out their missions. Both teams had a primary mission to measure the air temperature and pressure, transmitting this data every second to a ground station.
Our teams were iClowd and KanKachow. iClowd were looking at cloud formation and cover in order to identify if a planet was capable of producing clouds which have specific humidities indicating water presence. KanKachow aimed to monitor changing CO2 levels in the earth’s atmosphere, and how different urban levels in the atmosphere.
Both teams had a successful launch with data being received on both ascent and decent. The students also had to submit two design reviews to get to this stage.
Well done to those students involved and their team leaders, Eleanor and Caitlin.