Rotary Mock Interviews 2024


Our well-established partnership with the Cotswold Tyndale Rotary club continued this month when their members returned to school to offer mock interviews to year 11 students who had not had the opportunity last summer.

Over three mornings, the Rotarians carried out around 120 interviews. They were genuinely impressed by our young people and commented specifically on the positive way in which KLB students conducted themselves and their level of preparedness. The range of talents and achievements of our students also pleasantly surprised the interviewers.

Although the students find this a nerve-wracking process, they clearly find it valuable and leave with renewed confidence and a sense of achievement as is evidenced by some of their exit comments below. The students were asked how they felt their interview went and what they would take from it as a learning point:

It was the first interview I’ve had, so really useful
To put all the information about me on the form
I feel more confident
The questions made me think why I have chosen my subject/career path
It was good to talk about how to fill out forms to give a favourable impression of myself
We discussed body language during an interview
I was worried that I’d written too much but pleased to know that I hadn’t
To smile, breathe and be myself
Keep good eye contact to show that I’m engaged
I need to do more research on the job I want to do
I was complimented on my attitude and that I was going places
I learnt lots of helpful tips that I can develop
I have learnt a good question that I can ask at the end
Absolutely loved it – the interviewer was a really nice person
We talked about how to project myself more
I need to remember to write down what my experiences have taught me as well as just writing the experiences down
It was a really positive experience
Great – we talked about the variety of answers you need to give to questions
I was told that interviews are like exams – need to prepare for them

Our thanks go to members of the Rotary club for sharing their time and experience in support of our students. We look forward to welcoming them back next summer for the next round of interviews.

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