Sixth Form Students Visit Cotswold Sculpture Park 2024

ArtKLBSixth Form

Sixth Form students on the Fine Art, Photography and Graphic Art courses visited the Cotswold Sculpture Park earlier this term to see inspirational artwork by a wide range of both local and international artists. Set in beautiful gardens near Cirencester, the park displays contemporary sculpture made from materials including bronze and metal, stone, glass, wood and ceramics.

The park sits on a 10-acre site, which, just a short while ago, was a wild thistle field. It has now been transformed into a mixed deciduous and conifer woodland with ponds, gardens and glades. Joining these diverse spaces are meandering paths that take you on a journey around the park providing an international centre for contemporary Art.

The art students had an enjoyable day, with the autumn sun making a brief appearance during the visit. What a blessing the rain held off! The year 12 students worked hard all day, with workshops in the morning to help them perfect their skills, followed by sketching in their books and taking photographs to use in their studies back in school.

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