GCSE Pod is an award-winning mobile revision and study package, which KLB School subscribes to for the benefit of our pupils.
Whilst the podcasts are available for ALL pupils to use, it is inevitable that Years 10 & 11 will find them most relevant and therefore they are the heaviest users. Years 7, 8 and 9 may also find the content useful to reinforce their study of particular topics across the curriculum, and Gifted & Talented pupils may want to listen to podcasts to accelerate their learning still further.
How Does it Work?
Pupils have unlimited access to 12,000 + hours of curriculum-relevant GCSE learning and revision material delivered in the unique ‘Pod’ format. Each podcast delivers a concentrated burst of knowledge lasting between 3 to 5 minutes. They are audio and visual in format meaning that they are accessible to our VI pupils and clear for all pupils to understand.
Students are able to download this content to their mobile phones and/or pcs at home and listen to the pods where and when they wish. The podcasts do not take up huge amounts of memory and being mobile, pupils can plug in their personal headphones and revise on the way to and from school, as they ride on the bus, at home at any time and even on holiday. Basically, it’s available to them 24/7. The podcasts have all been mapped to the specific exam specifications for each subject at Toynbee.
Getting Started
Activating your account for the first time and getting started is simple. Watch the video by clicking on the link or use the instructions below.
- Use the link on the front page of the website to take you to www.gcsepod.com
- Click ‘Login’ top right of the screen.
- Click on ‘New Here? Get Started.’ It is a long thin green button.
- Select ‘Student’.
- Enter your name – first and last; then your date of birth & then type in the name of your school, ‘Katharine Lady Berkeley’s School’. It should appear in a drop-down box. Select it to confirm.
The last screen asks you to create your own username and password. Use your school system code as your user name as it is then easy for you to remember. Create your own memorable password.
- Use your school email address if needed.
- You’re done!
- You can add the app to your phone or pc device and there are plenty of help videos on the site to teach you how to use it.