Sixth Form Homestay Visit to Pau

Sixth FormTrips

Over half term two year 13 students and six year 12 students had the opportunity to spend a week at the Lycée Barthou, a sixth form college in Pau in the south-west of France.

The students spent the majority of the week in school attending lessons with their French partners in a variety of subjects including ones never studied before. They enjoyed contrasting the many differences in the English and French education systems as well as speaking and listening to lots of French. The complete immersion in the language has improved their language skills greatly.

At the weekend they all spent time with their families. Some visited the Pyrenees, some went snow walking in special snowshoes and there were group events such as bowling and a pizza night.

As a break from attending lessons, we also went on a guided tour of the castle and visited the town’s art museum.

Everyone had a wonderful time and the students are now busily arranging for their partners to come to England later in the school year.

“C’était inoubliable” a dit Isaac et “C’était la meilleure semaine de ma vie” a déclaré Jack.

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